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This theme and main piece were inspired by spirit. The large 24" x 24" original piece was professionally scanned at 600 dpi to make prints. Two artist editions were also created.​


Love Infusion Original Art w/LEDs - $1565

Archival Giclée Prints 12" x 12" - $45

mounted with UV protective coat - $60

Stickers - $5



Please reach out to cindy nicole to request your custom order. She's available to help you figure out the best size and material that will work best for your space and needs. 



Early one morning while sitting quietly, Cindy received an intuitive vision in her mind's eye of a Goddess who embodied the spirit of Kuan Yin and Lakshmi, sitting on a lotus flower beside a lotus staff, in front of a green mandala. She was holding out her hands in an offering of love. After discovering the rich symbology in the vision, Cindy came to understand this to be an important message for us all at this time indicating that we have the power to help heal the world through the realization that we are all one. 


Kuan Yin is known for compassion and asks us to transform harshness into gentleness, to release judgments of ourselves and others, and to focus on the shining light that is within each of us. 

Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth, fortune, power, health, love, beauty, joy, and prosperity. She reminds us to step out of worry and fear and instead visualize the goodness and abundance that is all around us. She helps transform our dreams into reality and thus create a bright future for humanity. 

The lotus flower is a symbol of purity, strength, transformation and enlightenment. Its characteristics are a perfect analogy for the human condition: even when its roots are in the murkiest waters, the lotus produces the most beautiful flower.

The green-colored mandala is made up of eight main petals with the Flower of Life sacred geometry in the middle. The green color of the mandala is for the heart chakra which represents the healing power of love and compassion. The number eight stands for harmony, peace and balance. The geometric pattern in the center of the mandala is known as the Flower of Life. It symbolizes the interconnectedness of all life and all beings emanating from the same source.


5 Stickers (Love Infusion and Love Shields)
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